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Marvel vs. Capcom 2 DC Marvel vs. Capcom 2 PS2

In this page is listed all "Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes" Remixes and Color Palette MOD Projects.
Click on the desired project to access it and enjoy the game with custom colors and/or soundtracks!

Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Accurate Mix 1.3 (PS2 Port)

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - Accurate Mix

Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Accurate Mix 1.3 (PS2 Port)

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - Accurate Mix

Back in 2006, a guy by the nickname SteveMV created one of the most popular mixes for the Dreamcast version of the game, the Marvel vs. Capcom 2: Accurate Mix.
Instead of just swap the songs for some of a preferred band or artist like most of the mixes at the time, the goal of this mix was to change the original soundtrack of the game for a better one that actually fits the game atmosphere and it's stages. This made it very well known among the Dreamcast players of Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
The project was originally for the Dreamcast, but what about PlayStation 2? Well, this we have here is a perfect port of the project for the PlayStation 2 version of the game! The very same BGMs of the v1.3 version (the last one) of the project are used, the Accurate Mix perfectly recreated in the PlayStation 2!


Opening Theme = "Sonic Heroes - Bingo Highway"
Main Menu = "Gorillaz - Double Bass"
*Character Selection = "Lorenzo - Carpenterd"
Pirate Ship = "Soul Blade - Castaway in Darkness ~ Theme of Cervantes"
Desert = "TimeSplitters 2 - Mexican Village"
Docking Bay = "Sonic & Knuckles - Catapult (Beatdrop Remix)"
Carnival = "Danny Elfman - Breakfast Machine" & "TimeSplitters 2 - Circus"
Bridge = "Earthworm Jim 2 - Wormaphobic Disorder (Protricity Remix)"
Cave = "Sonic the Hedgehog - Cryptic Marble (DistantJ Remix)"
Clock Tower = "E.S. Posthumus - Menouthis"
River = "Unreal Tournament 2004 - ONS-Dawn ~ Torlan Theme"
Abyss 1 = "Grandia 2 - FIGHT!! Ver. 4 ~ The Final Battle"
Abyss 2 = "Dragon Ball Z ~ Budokai 3 - Powerful Man from the Darkness"
Abyss 3 = "The Black Mages - The Decisive Battle (Final Fantasy VI)"
Training = "Aura - Destination Skyline (Argon Remix)", "Andy Hunter - Come On" and "Fluke - Zion"
Ending = "Streets of Rage 2 - Slow Moon Groove (Avien Remix)"

*This is the song name listed on the changelog inside the mix project CDI and it may be mispelled, since it's impossible to find the song in the internet by searching for it by this name.

The rest of the music in the menus and such is from the following:

Ape Escape
Eternal Darkness
No More Heroes
Resident Evil 3
Streets of Rage: Remake

Below we have two download options.
The first one is the PS2 ISO with a dummy file to burn on a DVD.
The second one is a RIP without the dummy to save space and use with Open PS2 Loader.

SteveMV (for the original project)
Michael Stuetzel (for the help in providing me the Dreamcast CDI of Accurate Mix)
FagnerLSantos (myself from FLS Gaming Projects, for the port)


Marvel vs. Capcom 2
CPS2 Mix

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - CPS2 Mix

Marvel vs. Capcom 2
CPS2 Mix

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - CPS2 Mix

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - CPS2 Mix is a original mix MOD for the game by FLS Gaming Projects.
Like many others you may find in the internet, this one have a custom soundtrack, but CPS2 Mix didn't have a soundtrack with popular copyrighted songs like the most. As the name implies, it have a CPS2 based soundtrack, an original one (mostly) composed by Antoine Pickens (a.k.a. WizzyWhipItWonderful) to give a feel of how the game would sound if released for Capcom Play System 2 with the actual style of the previous games of the Versus Series.

Tracklist (you can hear it here):
Airship Stage = "MVC2 Originals - Aboard The Partenaire"
Desert Stage = "MVC2 Originals - Amingo's Homeland"
Industrial Stage = "MVC2 Originals - Ruby's Harbor"
Carnival Stage = "MVC2 Originals - Clash At The Circus"
Bridge Stage = "MVC2 Originals - Swamp"
Cave Stage = "MVC2 Originals - Mystic Cavern"
Clock Tower Stage = "MVC2 Originals - Clock Tower Confrontation"
River Stage = "MVC2 Originals - Ice Valley"
Abyss 1 = "MVC2 Originals - Underground Temple"
Abyss 2 = "MVC2 Originals - Destroyed Temple"
Abyss 3 = "MVC2 Originals - Red Vortex"
Training Stage = "MVC2 Originals - Training Room"
Opening = "MVC2 Originals - Opening"
Ending = "X-Men: 2nd Coming - Staff Roll" by WizzyWhipItWonderful
Character Select = "MVC2 Originals - Character Select"
Continue = "MVC2 Originals - Continue?"
Here Comes a New Challenger = "MVC2 Originals - Versus Screen"
Game Over = "Original Versus Music - Game Over" by WizzyWhipItWonderful
Ranking = "Marvel Super Heroes - Iron Man Ending 2"
Victory = "MVC2 Originals - Victory"
Main Menu = "Marvel Super Heroes CPS2 Remix" by [marbardan] JAM
Network Menu (unused) = "Original Versus Music - Name Entry" by WizzyWhipItWonderful

Two versions of this mix were made, the Original version comes with nothing changed but the soundtrack, if you want to experience the game the way it was released, but with a CPS2 soundtrack. The Recolored version otherwise comes with palette color changes for most characters, but they are not random recolors, they actually make reference to other official appearences of the character or even make reference to other characters from Marvel and Capcom (you can check out some samples on the screenshots below or here in this video). However, LP colors were retained the originals for all characters, so you can still have an experience similar to the original game in the Recolored version!

CPS2 Mix in it's both versions is available for PlayStation 2 and Dreamcast, the experience is the same regadless of which platform you want to play, so feel free to choose the one you like.
Updates for this MOD may or may not come in the future, the last release was the v1.0 (June, 7th 2023). Check the README file in the download package for details!



DOWNLOAD (for Sega Dreamcast):
Original Colors
Recolored Version

DOWNLOAD (for Sony PlayStation 2):
Original Colors
Recolored Version

The Soda Pop