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Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - CPS2 Mix

A new mix/remix MOD for MvC2 is hits the internet!

Hey, how are you doing? The first version of my Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes MOD is available, so let's check it out!

-= Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - CPS2 Mix =-

CPS2 Mix comes with a custom soundtrack based on the CPS2 System and have a version with alternate color palettes for characters, palettes based on other official appearences of them. Not all of them were actually changed since it's a very time consuming work, but I did my best to give new colors to almost all characters that have an alternate incarnation on Marvel and Capcom media. You can check CPS2 Mix here on Marvel vs. Capcom 2 MODs page.

It's available for both PlayStation 2 and Dreamcast. The funny part about this is that I never intended to release a Dreamcast version, since I only know how to work with PS2, but since this game is more popular in the Sega console, I had a feeling of need to learn how to mess with Dreamcast games a little just to release a version for it, I think it's working fine and give the same experience as the PS2 release.

And that's all for today, I hope you enjoy the new mix and see you in the future!

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